RUNNING PROMO: Professional Website Design, Logo, Letterhead & SEO for Only R4999


We build dynamic, feature-rich Content Management System (CMS) websites customized for your organization. Our team of talented web developers and designers are highly experienced at engineering varous CMS and working with it’s supporting technologies. We respect human factors and organizational factors that go into managing a website. Each CMS website is tailored to fit your company’s unique set of operational requirements, creating an easy to manage website designed to grow with your business.

There are many robust, stable, and flexible website publishing platforms available like WordPress, Magento, Drupal etc. More than 74 million websites including the New York Times, TechCrunch, NFL, Harvard Business Review use WordPress. It’s a formidable blank canvas with a user focused design, powerful features, and a low-cost, scalable infrastructure. This makes it possible for sites be designed and developed in shorter cycles, saving companies loads of time and money.

Our custom responsive WordPress websites are engineered to be compatible with the latest internet technology standards and are built on the webs best frameworks including HTML5 Boilerplate and Bootstrap. Ready for the best part? Your backend content management system, called the WordPress dashboard, will be completely customized for your content. This means you will be able to update your logo, change your navigation menus, or make almost any content update with a few clicks of the mouse. This powerful level of control over your content will make you feel like an internet marketing master in no time.

We can provide a quick training for you and your team upon request for minimal fee on everything you’ll need to know to operate your website like a pro.
We walk you through the ins and outs of the CMS, we will explain the best way to accomplish everything on your list. Each step is explained in non-technical terms, and we openly provide explanations of how and why anything works the way it does. By the end of training you will be fully proficient in using your content management system (CMS).